Section A
Section B
Section C
Section D
Section E
Section F
Section G
Section H
Sand Hill Lake (Lake Lowry)

Clay County, Florida

Subsurface Characterization

Subsidence features observed from profiles show two areas identified as large (1000 m) subsidence sinkholes (Track Map). One forms the northwest section of the lake and the other is in the southeast area. Profile A-A’ illustrates a large combined subsidence feature that includes buried and active subsidence (Type 2). This cross section shows a variety of depositional fills including cross bedding and onlapping fill. Also found in each profile ( A-A’, B-B’) is the characteristic pattern of fill and subsidence that indicates rapid subsidence activity and hiatus with slow deposition of sediment. Each of the sinkholes may have developed independently and coalesced over time. Lake Lowry has many of the same characteristic cover-subsidence characteristics found in Orange Lake, but they are much larger.

A ground water well located on the northwest shore of Lake Lowry is used to monitor the Floridan aquifer, indentified as well C-0439 on cross section A-A’ (Index Map A). The natural gamma log of the well indicates the top of the Floridan aquifer is at -57 feet NGVD or approximately 80 ms on the seismic data. The majority of resolvable data on the seismic profile is above 20 ms and so it cannot be determined if the entire confining unit is breached.

The mechanical processes that result in lake development are a slumping or subsidence of underlying clastics or carbonates, and a clustering of sinkholes. Two factors that effect lake formation are karst development in host limestone and thickness of unconsolidated overburden (the confining unit). If the host limestone is highly karstic then the probability of collapse is greater than in areas of less karst. Thickness of overburden is the other controlling factor. A slight surface depression will form over a collapse in an area with a thick unconsolidated overburden (ten’s to 100 m). As the unconsolidated material fills the depression left by solution, there is little or no accommodation space for lake formation. A larger surface depression will form if the same collapse were to occur with two meters of overburden, thereby creating accommodation space for lake formation.



Index Map & Gamma Log

Kingsley Lake

Blue Pond

Sand Hill Lake


Lake Magnolia

Lake Johnson

Cowpen Lake

Index to Coverage