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Orange Lake

Clay County, Florida


Orange Lake is located in Alachua County, north-central Florida. The lake occupies the physiographic division known as the Alachua Prairies (Brooks and Merritt, 1981). Advanced karst development in the subsurface created solution valleys that are characterized by flat-floored depressions with numerous dissolution features. A geologic term for these environments is polje. These broad, drowned prairies occupy the epiphreatic zone and are strongly influenced by fluctuations in the water table. An extreme example is Paynes Prairie to the north which commonly fluctuates from grassland to marsh to completely inundated and was at one time known as Alachua Lake.

Orange Lake is a relatively shallow, irregularly shaped lake with approximately 44 km (144 ft) of shoreline covering 30 km2, with much of the shore grading into freshwater marsh. The surficial sediments of the lake bottom are organic and/or organics mixed with sand and clay, transported into the lake by storm runoff and streams (Rowland, 1957).

The west side of the lake is flanked by the Fairfield Hills, a Pleistocene sand ridge which may supply some of the sediments to the lake bottom. The ridge overlies the less permeable, Miocene sediments of the Hawthorn Group. In the southwestern corner of the lake, the shallow bottom gives way to a cluster of dolines (sinkhole complex) that penetrate the semi-confining layer into the karst limestone beneath. Pirkle and Brooks (1959a) suggest that the sands and clays of the Hawthorn Group are typically impermeable. When the water table drops, under sufficient hydrostatic pressure from the surface water, this material will fail and be flushed into solution channels in the limestone. Once the outlets are opened, the lake water will adjust to the level of the water table in the limestone unless the sinks again become plugged.



Index Map & Gamma Log

Lake Wauberg

Orange Lake

Track Map

Satellite Overlay

A-A', B-B', C-C', D-D'

B-B' Diagram

3-D Diagram

Lake Lochloosa