that control lake development are:
1) karstification or dissolution of the underlying limestone,
and 2) the collapse, subsidence, or slumping of overburden
to form sinkholes. Initial lake formation is directly
related to the karst topography of the underlying host
limestone. Lake size and shape are a factor of the thickness
of overburden and size of the collapse or subsidence and/or
clustering of depressions allowing for lake development.
Lake development passes through progressive sequence stages
to maturity.
Lake is in a late transitional phase (middle age) - the
sinkhole becomes plugged as the voids within the collapse
fill with sediment. No evidence of active subsidence was
located within Kingsley Lake (A-A,
though minor, isolated, small scale, subsidence type features
were found profile B-B).
The sediment plug within this main sinkhole is relatively
smooth and less disturbed compared to the smaller but
active subsidence features of Orange