Lake Evolution and
Effects of Urbanization
& Sinkholes
process by which sinkholes form in nature is complicated
by an additionally important factor: the anthropogenic
effect, or urban development in karst areas. As demand
for undeveloped land increases, less desirable properties
such as karst-prone areas become a target for human construction
or development (Ripp
and Baker, 1997). Direct contact with an unstable
subsurface is the obvious drawback, but not the only geohazard.
Other problems related to development of these areas include
sources for non-natural sinkhole development. These issues
are de-watering, alteration of surface drainage patterns,
increase or redistribution of overburden and blasting
for quarries and highways (Fig.
14). In Florida, de-watering or aquifer draw down
from well field pumping is a major factor (USGS
WRI 85-4126), since the potable water supply for metropolitan
areas are pumped from aquifers nearby. The magnitude of
water removed from the subsurface creates draw down in
the aquifer which removes the supporting pressure needed
to maintain integrity of the overlying material and land
surface. Figure
14 shows typical scenarios where high rates of groundwater
withdrawal increase the likelihood of surface collapse.
White (1988) estimates
that since 1930, artifically-induced collapse has nearly
doubled the collapse frequency in karst areas. In the
state of Florida, insurance claims for damage from sinkhole
collapse have increased from 35 in 1987 to 426 in 1991
(Smith, 1997).
Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA), 1997 estimates cumulative damage in
this state from sinkholes to reach $100 million.
from damage due to surface collapse, sinkholes and related
features cannot be considered negative aspects of karst
terrain. Many sinkholes, sinkhole lakes and karst-related
features in Florida are maintained as state parks for
their aesthetic and recreational value (DevilŐs Millhopper,
Blue Spring, Ichetuknee Springs, etc.). Florida Department
of Environmental Protection, Recreation and Parks (FDEPRP)
estimates that 14 million people visit Florida parks annually.
This, along with privately maintained parks, provides
millions of dollars in revenue for the state. But more
importantly sinkholes and other karst features provide
vital conduits for surface water recharge to the aquifer
as breaches through the semi-confining layer. However,
as breaches they also become sources of contaminants to
the potable water supply. Consequently, sinkholes and
sinkhole lakes need to be characterized by their hydraulic
connection potential and subsequently maintained and protected
if development of this terrain is to continue.