sands, clayey sands and clays of Plio-Pleistocene age (5.3
ma-30 ka) overlie the Hawthorn Group and occur as a surface
veneer ~10 m (33 ft) thick or as elongate ridges that may
be over 30 m (98 ft) thick. The ridges are expressions of
relict shorelines created during Pleistocene interglacial
periods (Cooke, 1945;
White, 1970). These
ridges and related features that developed during the Plio-Pleistocene
sea-level cycles form the current physiography of the Floridan
Peninsula (Fig.
7). This physiography is highly perforated by karst
within the deeper sediments of Florida have long been a
source of controversy (Scott, 1997). Faulting occurred during
the late Oligocene to early Miocene and again through the
Pliocene to early Pleistocene. Williams
and others (1977) suggest the movement created the Ocala
Uplift (Fig. 6).
Pirkle and Brooks (1959a)
believe the uplift was a pre-Hawthorn Group occurrence.
Opdyke and others (1984)
suggest uplift was due to isostatic rebound in response
to loss of the carbonate load by dissolution processes,
they reported that at least 12 x 108 cubic meters (4 x 1010
cubic feet) per year of limestone are lost from peninsular
Florida. This loss, over a period of 38 ka years could result
in a rebound of 33 m (108 ft). A deeper and older (early
Cenozoic, 60 ma) feature, the Peninsular Arch, has also
caused faulting and fractures. The associated weakening
of the rocks provides optimum conditions for dissolution
and formation of karst.
term fault as used in this report refers
to vertical displacement or discontinuities occuring at
a specific site. Primarily, these are faults resulting from
sediment slumping into a sinkhole depression, or tension
faults. No large scale faults that can be mapped regionally
and reflect a tectonic origin were identified.
the surface geology and physiographic regions, Scott
(1988) delineated physiographic provinces for the peninsula.
Provinces included in the study are shown below (Fig.